All of the repeaters within the network have at least some degree of Autonomy. Each repeater can be disconnected from the network of switched off if required.
All sites have various size back-up battery, and some even have Solar charging of those same batteries.
All sites have sufficient battery backup to operate for at least 4 days without 240 volt power supply.
In most cases there is considerable coverage overlap, and with the backup battery there is a really good chance that in the event of an emergency that you will be able to access at least one repeater in your area.
Sponsored by AREG / Phil Kern VK5ZEY / Kern WIFI.
SITE – Westpac Building, CBD
FREQ – 438.025 mhz -7 mhz offset– 91.5hz tone encode/decode
HASL -46 metres
TOWER – 135 metres
ANTENNA – 6db UHF dipole array
BATTERY BACKUP – Kickass generator
The VK5RSA Repeater is sponsored by The AREG and is located on the Top of Westpac House – the tallest building in the Adelaide CBD.
This site has literally 100’s of commercial repeaters and transmitters located in very close proximity and there were “some challenges” in setting up the Antenna and Cavity Filters to keep it all tidy.
This site provides excellent handheld coverage for the CBD and due to the height, provides excellent coverage North, South and back into the hills face.

VK5RSA is on UHF 438.025Mhz -7Mhz split and requires a 91.5hz CTCSS tone to access.
Sponsored by AHARS
SITE – Crafers
FREQ – 439.925 mhz – 5 mhz offset
HASL – 602 metres
TOWER – 36 metres
ANTENNA – Uhf 3db binary dipole array
The VK5RAD Crafers UHF Repeater which is both the Central Hub and a User Access Repeater.
The tower on this site was pulled down and fully refurbished in 2019 and now should last another 20 plus years!

VK5RAD is on UHF 439.925Mhz -5Mhz split
requires 91.5 tone for access
Sponsored by Dean VK5HMV
SITE – Upper Hermatige
FREQ – 438.050 mhz -7 mhz offset
HASL – 412 metres
TOWER – 30 metres (antenna 20 metres)
ANTENNA – unity gain UHF dipole
The VK5RKW UHF Repeater is located at Banksia Park on the pre-existing RAA tower.
This site was the very first one that was linked and the site is sponsored by Dean VK5HMV. This site on the hills face in the northern suburbs provides great coverage over the northern plains area and beyond.

VK5RKW is on UHF 438.050Mhz -7Mhz split
Sponsored by Shane VK5NRV
SITE – Lobethal
FREQ – 146.775 mhz -600khz offset –requires 91.5 tone for access
HASL – 566 metres
TOWER – 55 metres
ANTENNA – Unity gain VHF dipole
The VK5RAH Repeater is located within the Adelaide Hills at Lobethal. Being back away from the hills face, this site provides coverage into several of the Hills towns. The unity gain antenna gives good signal penetration into the hard to get to spots in the area.

VK5RAH is on VHF 146.775Mhz -600Khz split–requires 91.5 tone for access
Sponsored by Shane VK5NRV
SITE – Mt Beevor / Harrogate
FREQ – 146.875 mhz -600khz offset
-requires 91.5 tone for access
HASL – 505 metres
TOWER – 60 metres
ANTENNA – Unity gain VHF dipole
The VK5RMB is located at Mt Beevor, near Murray Bridge, this repeater, being on the eastern side of the Mt Lofty ranges provides excellent coverage in and around Murray Bridge and excellent coverage out along the highway towards Victorian border, Strathalbyn area and back into the Hills.
There is also a operational UHF CB Repeater on this site – CH 48.

VK5RMB is on VHF 146.875 -600kz split–requires 91.5 tone for access.
Sponsored by Jeff VK5GF / Happy FM 90.1 mhz
SITE – Browns Hill / Victor Harbour
FREQ – 147.100 mhz – 1.6 mhz offset–requires 91.5 tone for access.
HASL – 245 metres
TOWER – 12 metres
ANTENNA – 6db VHF dipole array
The VK5RVH repeater is located just north of Victor Harbor and Port Elliot at Brown Hill and provides coverage in and around the Fleurieu Peninsula.
This site has had it’s challenges – with finding a path back to Crafers for the link and also to keep out 2 x 1.5KW FM Broadcast station signals that are both less than 20 metres from the repeater antenna !

VK5RVH is on VHF 147.100 – 1.6Mhz split–requires 91.5 tone for access.
Sponsored by Bob VK5FO / Ray VK5RR / Riverland Radio Club
SITE – Waikerie (Sunlands)
FREQ – 146.750 mhz – 600khz 91.5hz tone encode / decode
HASL – 42 Metres
TOWER – 18 metres
ANTENNA – 3 db VHF dipole array
BATTERY BACKUP – 300AH plus 500 watts solar
The VK5RWR Repeater is located near Waikerie in the Riverland. This is a new repeater that is sponsored by Bob, VK5FO and Ray VK5RR.
Bob documented most of the repeater build on his blog – VK5RWR Repeater as the site was being built from late 2021 until completion in Mid 2022.
This repeater came about in order to service the hole between Adelaide and Moorook, and the inclusion into the network was after Dean, VK5HMV gave a presentation on ‘Repeaterlink’ to the Riverland Radio Club – and mentioned that he was looking to extend network coverage into the Riverland Area.
VK5RWR is on VHF 146.750 -600khz split and requires 91.5 CTCSS tone for access.
Sponsored by Riverland Radio Club
SITE – Moorook
FREQ – 147.325 mhz +600khz offset 91.5hz tone encode and decode
HASL -37 metres
TOWER – 30 metres
ANTENNA – 3db colinear
The VK5RLD repeater is located near Moorook in the Riverland and is run and maintained by the Riverland Radio Club.
This repeater has served for several years to provide coverage for most of the towns in the area, but has always been a bit too far away to link back to Adelaide.

VK5RLD is on VHF 147.325 +600Khz split and requires 91.5 CTCSS tone for access.
Sponsored by Ivan VK5HS / Riverland Radio Club
SITE – Renmark
FREQ – 438.2 mhz -7 mhz offset 91.5hz tone encode and decode
HASL – 19 metres
TOWER – 10 metres
ANTENNA – unity gain UHF dipole array
VK5RMK joined the network in 2022 and has now connected the Renmark township to the network via UHF
Anyone travelling in the Riverland would be aware that as soon as you drive past the Renmark Airport you drop down into the river valley, and unfortunately a black hole where the only coverage is if you have a tower installed. The UHF repeater fills in this hole and will provide that much needed fill-in coverage for the town. Additionally you are able to access this repeater from around 20km across the Victorian Border at Yamba.

Look carefully, you can see the repeater, link radio’s, controller and on the left you can just see part of the Battery back-up.
VK5RMK is on UHF 438.2 – minus 7Mhz split and requires 91.5 CTCSS tone for access.
Sponsored by Barossa Radio Club
SITE – Mt Kitchener
FREQ – 146.825 mhz -600Khz offset 91.5hz tone encode and decode
HASL – 580 metres
TOWER – 14 metres
ANTENNA – 3 db VHF dipole array.
VK5RBV joined the network in March 2023. The repeater had been running from another site as the Mt Kitchener site required some essential maintenance, which was carried out in preparation for linking.
This site provides excellent coverage in and around the Upper Barossa Region and greatly enhances the Sturt Highway coverage – filling in very nicely between the Riverland and the City repeaters.

VK5RBV is on VHF 146.825 -600khz split and requires 91.5 CTCSS tone for access.
Coming soon – VK5RBV Coverage map
Sponsored by Mid North Radio Group
SITE – Bumbunga Hill – Lochiel
FREQ – 146.925 mhz -600Khz offset 91.5hz tone encode and decode
HASL – 411 metres
TOWER – 14 metres
ANTENNA – 3 db VHF dipole array.
VK5RLH joined the network in August 2023. The Site had a full refurb including repeater and antennas on the tower
This site provides excellent coverage in and around the Mid-North from North of Adelaide almost to Port Pirie in the North.

VK5RLH is on VHF 146.925 -600khz split and requires 91.5 CTCSS tone for access.
Coming soon – VK5LH Coverage map
Sponsored by Rob, VK5TRM and Riverland Radio Club
SITE – Loxton
FREQ – 438.575 mhz -7Mhz offset 91.5hz tone encode and decode
HASL – 35 metres
TOWER – 8metres
ANTENNA – Unity gain folded dipole
BATTERY BACKUP – 200AH and Solar
VK5RLX joined the network in Early 2023.
This site extends the coverage in and along the River providing handheld coverage in and around the Loxton township.

VK5RLX is on UHF 438.575 -7Mhz split and requires 91.5 CTCSS tone for access.
Coming soon – VK5RLX Coverage map